More Recommended Reads
The author of the New York Times bestseller You Are the Placebo, Becoming Supernatural marries some of the most profound scientific information with ancient wisdom to show how people like you and me can experience a more mystical life.
Readers will learn that we are, quite literally supernatural by nature if given the proper knowledge and instruction, and when we learn how to apply that information through various meditations, we should experience a greater expression of our creative abilities; that we have the capacity to tune in to frequencies beyond our material world and receive more orderly coherent streams of consciousness and energy; that we can intentionally change our brain chemistry to initiate profoundly mystical transcendental experiences; and how, if we do this enough times, we can develop the skill of creating a more efficient, balanced, healthy body, a more unlimited mind, and greater access to the realms of spiritual truth.
Best selling author Doreen Virtue invites you to set your day’s intentions on a loving positive note by spending every morning with the Lord! Every page of this uplifting devotional features a meditation, prayer, and relevant biblical verse to reaffirm your connection with heaven, the angles, and God. You can read the book daily, spending a year in contemplation, or open it at random to receive guidance pertaining to a specific question or concern.
Whether you are a longtime student of scripture, new to the Bible, or looking to reacquaint yourself with its love-based wisdom, you will find Doreen’s gentle devotional and commentary inspiring and supportive of your path. This wonderfully positive book is for anyone desiring to develop a closer loving relationship with the Lord. Barbara Mader
This s a very powerful narrative on the place of women in the light and love that Jesus came to be an example of: “Jesus opened the heart center and Mary Magdalen provided the link with her innate wisdom and spiritual wisdom.” The balance between the male and female energy is our biggest problem today. This commentary on the Essenes gives insight into the deepest spiritual truths Jesus came to teach which were lost in the earliest writings. The end of the book gives the current status of our incoming children’s new energies. You won’t want to put this book down.
Kathy G
In this compelling revised edition of his book The Turning Point, best-selling author and visionary Gregg Braden merges his expertise in leading-edge science with present-day realities to reveal the strategies for embracing stressful change in our lives. This updated edition contains an all-new chapter not included in the original release, featuring material on the surprising discovery of brain-like cells—sensory neurites—located within the human heart, and the role they play in creating personal resilience. The powerful heart-brain connection made possible by these cells is now recognized as a portal to the deepest levels of our intuition, as well as a gateway to the subconscious mind.
Is it possible to heal by thought alone—without drugs or surgery? The truth is that it happens more often than you might expect. In You Are the Placebo, Dr. Joe Dispenza shares numerous documented cases of those who reversed cancer, heart disease, depression, crippling arthritis, and even the tremors of Parkinson’s disease by believing in a placebo. Similarly, Dr. Joe tells of how others have gotten sick and even died the victims of a hex or voodoo curse—or after being misdiagnosed with a fatal illness. Belief can be so strong that pharmaceutical companies use double- and triple-blind randomized studies to try to exclude the power of the mind over the body when evaluating new drugs.
You Are the Placebocombines the latest research in neuroscience, biology, psychology, hypnosis, behavioral conditioning, and quantum physics to demystify the workings of the placebo effect . . . and show how the seemingly impossible can become possible.
Louise Hay was one of my teachers. I met her through her book that I purchased in San Francisco while I was attending a National School Board Meeting. I was walking past this book store and they had a table in front of the store with a pile of these books that were marked down, so I bought them all and took them home to El Paso to share with the American Holistic Nurses. The books were a big hit and became an excellent reference book. I still have mine, and that was about 30 years ago. I now share it with my friends and clients here at High Mesa Healing Center. It is a best seller in our Book Store, since Louise passed away on August 29, 2017, there is new interest in her books. Her friend, Wayne Dyer passed exactly 2 years to the day of her passing. Wayne Dyer was also one of my teachers. I have been blessed to go to many workshops and conferences to meet and study with many of the authors in my book store.
I admired Louise for her many qualities, one of which was that she lived an authentic life. She taught by example and lived what she taught. Louise touched many lives. She created Hay House to encourage other authors to publish their work. She is loved by many. She has left a legacy that will go on serving many of us and the world at large.
Here are a couple of her quotes
“If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed.”
“Love is the greatest Healing Force.”
Barbara Mader