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Move it or lose it. We have all heard this. We know we need to keep our bodies moving if we are going to continue to be able to do all the things we love to do. So, let’s make sure we move with a little exercise a few times a week. Some of the best exercise for us as we age is walking, swimming, and light weight training. Let me share with you some ideas on how to have fun moving your booty.

Walking is a great exercise and all we need to do is put on some comfortable shoes and go out the door. We live in one of the most beautiful places so let’s take advantage of it. One way to get walking is to take your dog. Besides being great companions, they LOVE walks and they will get you moving. But if you don’t have a dog and don’t want one. Call a neighbor, ask a friend to walk with you. Make it a walking date. If you commit to a schedule with someone you are less likely to blow it off.

Swimming is another great exercise. It gets your heart pumping, lungs working and limbs moving. Being in the water eliminates joint strain and water is great resistance for muscle development. In Ruidoso we have the public pool and now that Grindstone Lake is approved for swimming, that’s another spot for a refreshing swim.

Light weight training is a great way to keep your muscles in working order, there’s an added benefit in that it can strengthen your bones as well. Stretching and using 1-5 lb. weights in short reps will stretch and lengthen your muscles. If you don’t like working out alone (and who does?) take a class. There are many in town, let me list a few: The Community Center, Tuesday, Thursday 9:00 am and MWF at 1:30 (sponsored by the Senior Olympics), and Strong Bones at First Christian Church MWF at 10:00 am. These are all free classes with instructors who can adjust exercises to accommodate limited mobility.

It is my hope that you find an exercise that you enjoy so that you can enjoy doing it for a long, long time.

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