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SPIRITUAL DIRECTION: Listening to the Divine Within

An ancient ministry, Spiritual Direction, is a unique relationship in which a trained person accompanies another in search of a closer relationship with God, Spirit, Divine or the name (_) you prefer to address the Source in your life. It is described as Spiritual Companioning, compassionate listening, or soul friendship. The Spiritual Director holds sacred space while listening deeply to you and your journey. This process helps a person go deeper into their spiritual journey, helps with the discernment process, and opens opportunities to cultivate ways to integrate spirituality into their daily life. Joan Chittister wrote, “Life is not an exercise to be endured. It is a mystery to be unfolded.” Spiritual Direction often brings awareness and awakens a deeper knowing. It is the Spirit that is providing the guidance and insight and the Spiritual Director is the vessel or vehicle.

Spiritual Direction is not psychotherapy, pastoral counseling, or life coaching. It addresses the inner soul of a person. It can challenge a person to question, reflect, or struggle with their inner knowing. A person may share a transformative experience or acknowledge how the Divine is working in their life. Whatever is shared during Spiritual Direction is strictly held in confidence. The Spiritual Director will never disclose the name or content of the person in spiritual direction. This process is about taking a step at a time. Knowing that life is in the hands of the Loving Creator and Grace can happen at any time. The person can trust the journey. Instead of living life from the world’s point of view, the secret of life is developed by turning inward and going deeper and developing a relationship with the Divine, Mother/Father God (_).

My training is through Stillpoint, a non-denominational Spiritual Direction program which is recognized and endorsed through Spiritual Directors International. It has prepared me to listen to the inner guidance of the Spirit. I am a Christian Spiritual Director; however, my part in this process is not to persuade or change a person’s beliefs, theology, or practices. It is to be a vessel of the Spirit and listen deeply while holding sacred space. As I am lead, I may ask questions, have times of silence, or reflect back what is being said. My training has included many faith traditions and practices. After completing the program, I am required to have a Spiritual Director and have monthly supervision sessions to continue my spiritual journey. Spiritual Direction ignites in me a deep sense of humility, compassion, joy, and gratitude. I feel honored and blessed to accompany people in their journey.

If you are interested in learning more about Spiritual Direction or you would like to meet with me, please contact me at 575-442-6709 or inquire through High Mesa Healing Center. I offer a one hour free session that explains the process and introduces Spiritual Direction.

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